
My grandfather is 100 years old

On August 21st, it’s time: my grandfather turns 100 years old! That’s why I wanted to give him a very special pleasure: in the last few weeks I asked him for as many postcards as possible, from all corners of the country and the world! He was never able to travel much because of the war, but he is interested in geography, especially rivers. That’s why people wrote on it what kind of stream or river was passing by them. And do you know what happened?! There is a good chance that we will end up with around 2000 cards from all over the world!! Here is the link to the Facebook group where I post all the cards: And above all, here is the link to a world map where you can see where the cards come from and what for a river is described: Maybe also because I said that for every postcard I personally donate €1 to social projects with elderly people. Since many people asked if they could contribute something in addition, I started a Leetchi donation box: “Together for Generation Grandpa”,


European Citizen’s Prize

Last year, the European Parliament gave me the “Prix du citoyen européen” for Luxembourg for my work with refugees and especially for the fact that, through Young Caritas, I am introducing a lot of young people to this work. It was an impressive ceremony, both in Luxembourg and in Brussels, where I met fantastic people from other countries, met Martin Schulz and had a nice short interview with Jean-Claude Juncker.