Elected to the Chamber

On October 14, I was elected to the Chamber in the national elections. What is an extremely great joy and surprise, is at the same time an immense responsibility and a completely new task, in which I now want to get involved. I feel a lot of confidence. I was particularly impressed by my grandfather: because something had gone wrong with the postal vote, he walked to his community with a rollator on election Sunday at the age of 100 and voted there. I look forward to it and bring my experiences with me. I will try to give a voice to those who often have none. And it is especially important to us to think of our young people, to consistently take sustainability seriously and to stay true to my 3 basic values: the absolute dignity of every person, the solidarity of society and the protection of our environment and fellow world. I have tried to describe here what politics in general means to us.

Luxembourger of the year 2018?

Thank you very much for the nomination for “Luxembourger of the Year 2018”! And for the super cute description that comes with it. Together, e.g. with Camille Gira, Gilles Muller, Superjhemp, Bob Jungels – that’s really cool! I think it is very nice that in addition to all these top achievements, the social and human contribution to a living society is also honored. I will not agree with myself, because there are many more impressive “heroes”. But if I get one of the 3 medals, I will give it to my 100-year-old grandfather. He is my very personal hero in 2018. Here is the link to RTL’s voting. Thank you all! #letzebuergervumjoer2018 #letzebuergerinvumjoer2018 #bettertogether


My responsibilities in the Chamber

I am very happy that I received the confidence of my colleagues from the CSV to go to the commissions in which I absolutely wanted to participate. The following components are now part of my parliamentary work:

  • Cooperation, immigration and asylum
  • Family and integration
  • Environment and climate
  • National Education, Childhood, Youth, Higher Education and Research
  • Work, employment and social security
  • Petitions
  • In the «regulatory commissions» I am in the «commission des comptes».
  • And on an international level, I am still in the «Interrégional Parliamentary Council».

Social issues, sustainability, youth, contact with citizens, democratic participation – I’m looking forward to it!


Grandpa on the TV screen

Télécran made an extremely beautiful and very sympathetic title story from Grandpa’s 100 years! With poems, old photos, family stories and a crazy grandson! But the heroes of this story are the thousands of diligent postcard writers! Together they showed what is possible when you stick together. How important and valuable our elderly people and our families are. ????How we would like to make other people happy and also share something very personal. Look at Grandpa’s smile – it’s thanks to you! Here you will find the world map, the mosaic and the maps: http://www.paulgalles.lu/100-joer-bopa/
#1000kaarten #100joer #1000kaartefir100joer #happybirthdaybopa

Halloween 2018 in the stable

Again this year: Halloween in the stable! Here is all the info and BIG NEWS. There are actually 2 celebrations this year, and you have to register. But be careful: the celebration from 5 pm is already full (since 4.12.), so there is a WAITING LIST. There is still enough space for the celebration at 6:30 p.m. Here it goes directly to the registration: REGISTRATION How are we doing in the stable? Rediscover the flair of Christmas: a small Christmas evening with music, stories and a prayer, designed by Linda and Paul, with music by Joss, for all those who – like to experience the atmosphere of Christmas – are prevented from family during the day and have a little time in the evening – want to experience something different, very original, in a stable with the animals, similar to how it might have really been back then – look forward to very beautiful music WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR? – We will have 2 celebrations (one at 17:00 and one at 18:30), and we can admit a maximum of 100 people for each celebration. – VERY IMPORTANT: YOU MUST REGISTER! Here is the site: http://paulgalles.wixsite.com/hellegowend When we have reached 100 registrations, we will put you on the waiting list and let you know. Important information: – Where it is exactly: in Fischbæch at 6, rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (7430 Fischbæch) – Where to park: 2 options: either at the top behind the church or at the entrance from the direction of Miersch – Language: Luxembourgish (but all languages are welcome) – What’s left after the “Veillée”: mulled wine and warm milk straight from the cow, organic and fairly milked! Our proposal: you bring your own cup, then we stay sustainable. If you don’t have one, get a mug from us anyway.

My work in the city council

Since December 4, 2017, I am a councilor in the city council, in the faction of the CSV. I’m having a lot of fun, I’m discovering a lot of new things, and it’s also a lot of work. The elections of October 8, 2017 went very well for us, and after a lot of commitment, a lot of contact with the people and with a great program, we won 2 seats and were able to join the coalition with the DP. Here you can find the results of the elections: https://elections.public.lu/fr/elections-communales/2017/resultats/communes/luxembourg.html made me happy, which is also a great burden and responsibility. Thank you for the great trust! In the municipal meetings, I commit myself above all to all social issues, to participation and youth, to clubs and sports, to schools and sustainability. It is important to me that I try to be humble and listen a lot, to take everyone’s positions seriously, to add a lot of new information to the files, to deal with that information responsibly and intelligently and to put my emphasis more and more. I am very fortunate to belong to a faction that I experience as dynamic, open, rejuvenated and motivated. Serge Wilmes as First Alderman and Isabel Wiseler-Lima and Laurent Mosar as further members of the Aldermen represent our interests in a strong way. Our group speaker, Maurice Bauer, prepared the way for us in the new tasks and made the process very easy for us. I sit on the municipal council between Claudine Konsbrück and Elisabeth Margue, where I can look over their shoulder a lot and we can exchange a lot. Here you can see our faction: https://stad.csv.lu/fr/partei/gemengerot/ In the commissions I can be president of “sports et loisirs” and vice-president of the social commission. In addition, I am still on the school committee. In this context, it is very important to get to know the individual services and understand their priorities. I also represent our community in the syndicate of SIDOR. We have a lot of fun when we meet people in the city directly: at inaugurations, visits, visits, etc. For me it is also a very special big egg that I am allowed to marry people in the city as a municipal councillor. There I come into contact with many families and get to talk a lot about their expectations and experiences with the city. For more information: https://www.vdl.lu/la-ville/vie-politique/conseil-communal/membres/paul-galles


Candidate in the center for the 2018 parliamentary elections

The fact that I was asked to participate in the 2018 parliamentary elections as a candidate in the center with the CSV is a big surprise to me. Above all, it is important to us that we act as a team and stand together for our ideas. Above all, I am impressed by how many experienced and motivated people are on our list. And I am very happy that our leading candidate is Claude Wiseler, whom I have experienced in all these last months and years as extremely competent, informed, warm-hearted, humane, approachable, fair and motivated. What more could I wish for such an extremely important and new experience?! For me personally, it is important that people can rely on us, that we have drawn up a detailed, coherent and strong plan for Luxembourg, that we conduct a fair election campaign and that we respect the people and the ideas of the other parties and to appreciate know. Politics is not an end in itself, but a thing. I learned this as a way of life, and I want to live this both socially and politically. You can find more information about our plan for Luxembourg, which we worked on together and which I am also allowed to work on here: csv.lu/wahlen-2018/ And more about my own political priorities here: http://www .paulgalles.lu/politik/


My grandfather is 100 years old

On August 21st, it’s time: my grandfather turns 100 years old! That’s why I wanted to give him a very special pleasure: in the last few weeks I asked him for as many postcards as possible, from all corners of the country and the world! He was never able to travel much because of the war, but he is interested in geography, especially rivers. That’s why people wrote on it what kind of stream or river was passing by them. And do you know what happened?! There is a good chance that we will end up with around 2000 cards from all over the world!! Here is the link to the Facebook group where I post all the cards: www.facebook.com/events/200236727358976 And above all, here is the link to a world map where you can see where the cards come from and what for a river is described: http://www.paulgalles.lu/100-joer-bopa/ Maybe also because I said that for every postcard I personally donate €1 to social projects with elderly people. Since many people asked if they could contribute something in addition, I started a Leetchi donation box: “Together for Generation Grandpa”, www.leetchi.com/c/zesumme-fir-dgenerationation-bopa.